Robyn is a retired Secondary Principal who has spent 43 years in public education serving lower socioeconomic communities to provide opportunities for young people to fulfil their potential regardless of their economic circumstance. She has been a teacher of PDHPE, Mathematics and Behaviour classes, Head Teacher of PDHPE, Welfare, Teaching and Learning, a Drug Education consultant and subsequently a Deputy Principal for ten years and Principal for eight. Robyn has gained great satisfaction in supporting teachers in public schools to reflect on and improve their teaching practices and supported schools to improve growth for all students.
Robyn is also an Olympic Hockey player, having captained the first Women’s Hockey Team to the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984. In 1983 Robyn was named in the World 11 at the Women’s World Cup in Kuala Lumpur. In 2011 she received the Order of Australia for contributions to Women’s Hockey for her commitment to coaching of local junior and senior teams for over 30 years. Robyn is passionate about the important role public education plays in developing a democratic society where all young people have an equal opportunity for success. She believes funding equity is foundational for this to occur and every student should be fully resourced based on need.