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Volunteering Agreement

Volunteer Agreement – The Public Education Party

Thank you for offering to volunteer with us, The Public Education Party, (the Campaign).

We want your participation to be as enjoyable and positive as possible and for each member of the Campaign to feel appreciated and safe. We encourage open and respectful communication, equality, inclusion and fun.

This Agreement outlines our mutual commitments and the standards of behaviour and expectations for the Campaign volunteers. This Agreement does not create an employment or contractor relationship between you and the Campaign and it may be cancelled at any time by either of us.

A. Agreement Terms
As a volunteer for the Campaign you agree to the following:

1. All duties are on a voluntary basis and you will not receive remuneration or payment for this work. The Public Education Party and the Campaign value their volunteers and will endeavour to provide you with:

  • an orientation and any training necessary for the volunteer role
  • a safe environment for you to volunteer
  • respect for your privacy, including keeping your private information confidential

2. In return, you agree to:

  • act positively and in the best interests of The Public Education Party and the campaign
  • demonstrate honest and decent behaviour and be respectful to others
  • be welcoming and inclusive of all

3. In your volunteer role we require you to:

  • agree to participate in an induction program
  • only undertake duties you are authorised to perform, and follow reasonable directions and instructions that you are given
  • notify an officer or member of the Public Education Party of any health and safety issues or potentially hazardous situations that may pose a risk to you or others, and report any accidents or incidents relating to staff, volunteers or the location
  • use any property or equipment given to you safely and only for the purpose of volunteering and return it to the organisation when you finish
  • behave appropriately and courteously to all staff, volunteers and the public in the course of your role
  • keep all information confidential if in the course of your duties you work with people's personal information in a database
  • comply with the law at all times.

4. It is important that you only perform the tasks as instructed by the organisation. To be covered by these laws it is also important that you are not affected by drugs or alcohol when you are volunteering. If you are unsure whether a task or work is authorised, please do not hesitate to talk to a representative of the Public Education Party or the Campaign.

B. The health and safety of you and others

The safety of everyone who is involved in the campaign is a priority.
Under Work Health and Safety laws (WHS), the Public Education Party has a duty of care to minimise risks to everyone affected by its conduct (including paid employees and volunteers).
Campaign volunteers also have WHS responsibilities. These include:

  • to take reasonable care for your own health and safety
  • to take reasonable care for the health and safety of others
  • to comply with any reasonable instruction by the Public Education Party or the Campaign
  • to let the Public Education Party or the Campaign know of any concerns you may have about safety and/or fitness in undertaking our role, and
  • to co-operate with any reasonable policies and procedures of the Public Education Party and the Campaign.

COVID-19 and workplace safety

When carrying out your volunteer activities, you agree to comply with COVID-19 public health orders, Government public health guidelines, all laws and reasonable directions from the Public Education Party and the Campaign, campaign supervisors or volunteer supervisors concerning workplace and COVID-19 safety. These directions may change quickly and we all need to be ready to adapt. We may need to know your vaccination status for certain roles.

You must not attend any activity if you have tested positive or have symptoms of COVID-19 or are required to isolate.

If at any time you are uncomfortable with carrying out any volunteer activity that is assigned to you, please raise this with us and we’ll do our best to accommodate you.

C. Intellectual Property and Confidential Information

All volunteers for the Public Education Party agree to transfer all intellectual property rights and interests (including copyright) in any ideas or materials they create relating to their provision of voluntary services at Reason or the Campaign.

Also, volunteers consent to the use by the Public Education Party of such creations in a manner reasonably contemplated under this document. As a volunteer, you also agree not to bring any claim for infringement of your moral rights in respect of that use.

You may be given access to the Public Education Party's Confidential Information in the course of your volunteering. Confidential Information includes the personal information of other volunteers, information about the campaign strategy and any other information identified as confidential or which is by its nature confidential. You agree not to use or disclose any Confidential Information for any purpose other than the proper discharge of your duties as a volunteer of Reason or the Campaign.

D. Photo Consent

If you pose for a photo or video while carrying out your volunteer activities, you agree with it being used for the purposes of marketing and promoting the Public Education Party or the Campaign. This may include the use of your image in printed and digital marketing and on social media platforms.

When you complete your contact details, please tick the box to acknowledge that you have read and agreed to this Volunteer Agreement.

Thank you and welcome to the Campaign Team.